Matted Dog for Grooming

Your dog not looking their best? That’s OK! We are here to help!


Your dog has presented with mats today, leaving its fur in a non optimum condition for grooming.

That’s OK! Our skilled groomers are here to help, but there are a few things you need to be aware of first…


What is matted fur?
Mats are tight knots of fur that restrict blood flow and movement.

Why is matted fur a problem?
Matted coats can cause a variety of skin and health problems. Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin. Which can cause hot spots, bacterial infections, fleas and fungal infections. Matted fur also pulls and binds causing pain to your furbaby when they move. The skin underneath can be raw inflamed and bruised.

Groomers and matted fur Sometimes it is impossible for the groomer to brush out mats because it can be too painful for the dog to tolerate the brushing. The worst way to remove the mats is with scissors as this increases the risk of cutting your dog with sharp scissors. Therefore, groomers are often left having to shave out the mats with clippers. When a groomer must shave mats with clippers by no means is the groomer being lazy, in fact it takes more skill and care to ensure your furbaby doesn’t get hurt and it causes the equipment to blunt quicker.

Removing matted fur
There is a strong chance that your furbaby’s skin will become irritated during the clipping process. This is due to the matted hair sitting tightly against the skin and the only way to remove the mats is to use a short blade to clip between the skin and mats. Our groomers are very careful, but the possibility of injury exists due to the groomer having to work so closely to the skin to have to remove the mats.

At times, the act of shaving mats reveal pre-existing injuries such as inflammation, skin infections and blood circulation problems.

Also, there is a highly possible chance your dog could have a haematoma; especially around the ears. Your groomer will let you know if they spot any of these symptoms after the groom.


Please take the time to understand the information provided to your regarding your dog presenting with mats for their grooming appointment today and the ramifications this causes.

To enable to groomers to proceed with your furbaby’s grooming appointment, we require you to complete the following waiver:

    I hereby release FurBaby Groom & Pamper and the individual groomer from any liability associated with the mentioned process and any and all medical problems that may be uncovered and/or occur during the stripping and de-matting process. Should my dog require any veterinary care after or during the process, I agree to any and all veterinarian fees.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY

By completing thhe above you accept that you are aware of the mats in your dog and consent that your groomer will shave them out resulting in an extremely short haircut.