Principal / Director & Animal Lover
It was Shari’s dream and hard work that created FurBaby Boutique & Cafe back in 2014 and passion that kept it going as FurBaby Dog Daycare & Grooming in 2020 when Covid hit and ruined a lot of small businesses!
Shari has a strong passion and dedication to the things she finds important. And, for Shari, the safety, welfare and love for dogs is of upmost importance to her. That is why her life took a change when she brought home two gorgeous Shiba Inu pups; Marishi & Akatsuki. Shari’s days started to be consumed by researching what the best available products are for them. And, the more she researched the more she found that there is a gap in the Perth market to cater for individuals who love their dog and want the best possible for them, that is where the concept of Furbaby Boutique & Café developed and later the dog daycare and dog grooming salon.
Shari’s professional career started with various retail positions, finally leading to a National role at a publicly listed company as their Customer Relations Manager. As such; Shari truly values the importance of good customer service, and has ensured this is the philosophy that FurBaby Boutique & Café is based on.
Rachel spent her early years pretending to be a dog so of course this transpired into a career solely focused on dog training, grooming and all things puppy chaos!
In 2010 after graduating High School, she attended Challenger Institute and gained her Certificate 3 in Companion Animal Services and since then she has not stopped learning and ensuring the dogs under her care have the very best.
Rachel has spent her years in the industry working for animal rescue, dog trainers and dog daycare. In 2018 she landed in what she likes to call her home which is FurBaby starting the dog daycare. Her sole focus is now on ensuring FurBaby provides the best in dog daycare and dog grooming to every pup who walks through the door!
Chief Canine Officer
Rescued by Rachel back in 2014 not knowing what human kindness was, a lot of behaviour modification went into ensuring he is the man he is today.
As FurBay’s Chief Canine officer, Zedd embodies the perfect blend of authority and affection. With a keen eye for maintaining order, Zedd ensures that FurBaby’s Dog Daycare and Dog Grooming services run seamlessly by overseeing operations with a sense of diligence and dedication. Beneath his professional demeanour lies a heart full of warmth and compassion.
Zedd is always ready to exchange his managerial duties for moments of cuddles and companionship, bringing joy and comfort to both staff and furry clientele alike.
Assistant to Chief Canine Officer
Flirt is the adorable baby sister to Zedd, is undergoing training under his expert guidance to bring order to the puppy chaos in daycare (although sometimes she tends to add to it. With boundless love for playtime and a special affinity for water, Flirt dives headfirst into her duties, delighting in every splash and scamper.
Despite her playful nature, she takes her responsibilities seriously eagerly absorbing Zedd’s teachings on organisation and discipline. But amidst the hustle and bustle of daycare life Flirt’s heart truly lights up when she is showered with snuggles, revelling in the warmth and affection of her furry companions and human friends alike.
With her infectious energy and loving spirit, Flirt is sure to bring joy and harmony to the daycare for years to come.
rishi (Ishi)
Quality Control Manager (retired
When Ishi was a little pup she use to wake up at the crack of dawn and cry and cry for attention, that is why her Mum named her Marishi. In Buddhism; Marishi is a diva that is associated with light and the sun. Marishi is called Ishi for short, as it is such a cute name.
Ishi is definitely the princess of the family (maybe because she was named after a diva?). She always must have the very best of everything, let’s say she has very particular taste.
It was her particularity where the Furbaby story began; Ishi would only eat the finest of foods, and what was originally brought home for dinner just wasn’t good enough for her. So, her mum searched far and wide for the most nutritional and wholesome food that was available. Then, Ishi’s Mum thought that other fur-parents would appreciate if there was one place where the best food, treats, apparel and toys were available, so Furbaby was created.
Ishi was in charge of Quality Control for Furbaby Boutiqe & Café, as she has very fussy taste, and only the very best will do. Ishi gets to taste, smell and/or see all items that are brought into Furbaby, only after it has passed her strenuous tests will it be put on the shelf.
Akatsuki (Suki)
Administration Manager
Suki entered the family as a little fluff ball, he was very tiny and insecure. Ishi was already three months older than him, and it was a bit scary for him to come home to a new family. That is why he was named Akatsuki. See his family wanted him to fit in straight away, and what better way to do this than to give him the same name as Ishi, but a little different of course. Akatsuki is the Japanese name for dawn. It was hoped that by giving them very similar names Ishi and Suki would become BFFs, and they did!
Suki is so lovable, he just adores Ishi and follows everything she does. That gets a bit interesting for their Mum, because when they are together they get very cheeky.
Suki can’t bear to be alone. If Ishi isn’t in the mood to play, because divas do need lots of rest, Suki will be found very close to his Mum. He loves lots of cuddles, pats, tummy rubs and attention.
When Suki’s Mum started to work on Furbaby, Suki didn’t appreciate that she was spending so much time on the computer. He missed her playing with him, so he decided that every moment she was on the computer he was going to stay by her side and supervise. He even went to the effort of dragging his bed under her desk so he was nice and close. As he is always in the office with his Mum, he has been given the title of Administration Manager to make sure his Mum gets all the paperwork right.
Mission Statement
The Furbaby Mission Statement is more than words on a piece of paper – it’s the philosophy that guides how we do business every day.
Furbaby Boutique & Café’s mission is to nurture the inseparable bond between a person and their ‘furbaby’ by enriching their relationship with love, care and superior quality.
When customers visit our store they belong and are a part of the family, a break from the worries of the outside world, a place where you can meet with all of your loved ones, both of the two and four legged variety. We embrace diversity, where everyone is treated with high esteem and dignity. Always full of respect.
We don’t think of dogs and cats as pets. We believe your furbaby is family!