Dog Daycare

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Trust us to care for your furbaby in our one of a kind dog daycare facility! We can guarantee they are getting an exciting day full of fun and stimulation while you are at work. We see your puppy as family, which is why we ensure a safe, nurturing, but most of all, fun environment for them to enjoy, make new friends and burn off any excess energy they may have throughout the day.

As this is a boutique dog daycare, sessions will be limited to small numbers and small dog sizes (under 12kg). Whilst we would love to have lots of dogs in daycare, safety is a priority to us! So smaller groups allow for greater care, and one on one attention from our staff; who have all undergone extensive canine behavior training, supporting the positive reinforcement theology, to ensure the best experience for your furbaby.

Drop off for Daycare is between 6:30am and 9:00am

Pick up for Daycare is between 4:00pm and 6:00pm

Half Day Changeover for Daycare is between 12:00pm and 1:00pm

Learn more about FurBaby Dog Daycare…

At FurBaby, everyone pup and pawrent are considered family! Which is why owners are dragged through our front door by eager dogs, where tail wags and smiles are endless. We LOVE dogs. Which is why we have opened our very own doggy daycare, to ensure your furbaby is given the most care, love and attention when you are at work.

So why would you put your furbaby into daycare?

Just like in humans, recreation is an essential part of raising a well-rounded, healthy and happy dog. Aside from the obvious physical benefits, play is a vital element in reducing stress in dogs, exercising their mind and releasing energy… Besides, who wouldn’t want to spend the day hanging out with a bunch of playful friends?!

Tired dogs don’t bark

What’s that sound? There isn’t one! Tired dogs rarely bark, and after an enriching day of socialising and play, you can be sure your best friend will come home one tired pup. Dogs who regularly exercise, socialise and experience mental stimulation at Furbaby are more relaxed and calm in their home environment, making for really great, quiet neighbours!


Socialisation is an essential lesson for all pooches. Being able to take your dog to a park, beach or café is one of the many joys of ownership, however this is only possible when your dog understands and enjoys social interactions. Learning how to interact with other dogs, as well as spending time with our trained staff, will encourage the development of skills that your furry friend will carry out of our doggy door and into yours.

Alleviating the blues

Barking, digging, chewing and other destructive behaviour are common symptoms of boredom in your dog. Furbaby daycare provides an outlet for play, exercise and stimulation, which may make your life at home a lot easier and calmer. After an exciting day at daycare, your pup will be happier to come home and simply relax with the family!


In order to be well-adjusted pets, dogs need both mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis. Playing with friends encourages dogs to exercise, which releases endorphins within your dog and has an overall calming effect on their behaviour. Playing with other dogs also encourages mental stimulation through communication, finding new ways to initiate play and being part of a group environment.

It’s fun!!

Just like us, dogs want to have fun! Whether it’s hanging out with friends, playing, chasing, fetching or jumping; having fun is an essential part of having well-balanced, happy dogs.

We love getting out and about, so why wouldn’t our furry friends?!

*It is important to remember that daycare isn’t suitable for every dog. To assess your dog’s suitability and eligibility, don’t hesitate to speak to our amazing staff; who will be more than happy to help you make an informed choice.

Here at Furbaby, we always do things a little different… Which is why we have created a unique and specialised daycare experience for your furry friend! All our amazing staff are extremely skilled and trained in dog behaviour, making our daycare experience even more special.

It’s easy to think that doggy daycare would be all about puppy cuddles… But there is much more to it than that! Here’s how it all works:

Safe & Fun!

We get dogs! Our staff are trained to read and understand dog behaviour, identifying unwanted behaviour before it even arises. By keeping our dog’s stimulated and engaged at all times- it creates happy and enriched dogs that rarely exhibit undesirable behaviours.

Just like at home, FurBaby Daycare has a set of basic rules and boundaries for your dogs to follow. Dogs are encouraged to follow these rules with rewards for positive behaviors (puppy cuddles and delicious treats), and reminding those who need to slow down to ‘sit’ with us until they are ready to play again.

We believe the natural and organic instincts of dogs must be learnt by humans, not the other way around. The satisfaction of a dog’s natural drives are they key to a successful and happy co-existence with our pups!

Our Daycare is filled with equipment and toys that our staff are trained with to facilitate safe play through games and activities that your dog will love and enjoy. Every day is a new day at Furbaby Daycare, with something new to do and explore every morning!

Small classes means more attention for your furbaby!

We want to provide the best experience for your furbaby, and to do this we must limit the numbers, as well as size of the dogs in our Daycare facility.

Specialising in a boutique play centre, sessions are limited to small numbers and small dogs under 12kg only. Safety is extremely important to us, so by having small groups and small dogs, we are able to care for your furbaby to the greatest extent, giving them the one on one attention from our staff; who have all undergone extensive canine behaviour training, supporting the positive reinforcement theology, to ensure the best experience for your furbaby.

Why does FurBaby Doggy Daycare have a 12kg limit?

At FurBaby, we put safety first to ensure the most enjoyable experience for everybody involved. Our facility has a limited size, therefore to ensure the safety of all dogs and staff, our daycare is limited to small numbers and small dogs only.

Is it possible to only use Daycare when my dog is going to Spa & Pamper?

If you only wanted to use the Daycare facilities on certain occasions (like when your dog needs grooming), we are happy to accommodate for this. As it is difficult to get grooming appointments on weekends, you are able to let your dog spend the whole day with us; exploring, socialising and playing, then coming home looking svelte with their new hair style too!

The screening process for casual clients is the same for regulars, but once your furbaby has completed their enrolment form and passed their trial day, they are welcome back time and time again. Talk to our staff for a schedule suitable to you.

Why does my dog have to attend a trial day before starting daycare?

To ensure the safety of all dogs in the Daycare, it is important that we pre-screen all new starters. We will organise an introduction and assessment time for you and your dog, generally an initial trial day. During the induction, we assess your dog’s suitability for the Daycare, and answer any questions you may have.

Why does my dog have to be desexed?

At FurBaby Dog Daycare, all dogs over the age of six months are required to be desexed. This is a requirement supported by several local Veterinarians, Animal Behaviour Consultants and certified trainers, and is something we believe is essential to the safety and wellbeing of all the dogs in our care.

We understand that in certain circumstances it is recommended to delay desexing. We support owners choice in this matter, and will gladly welcome them back to daycare once they have been desexed. We’ve had many puppies that join us when they are little, stop coming once they reach six months, then return after a year or so once they have been desexed.

No alternative forms of contraception are accepted (e.g. vasectomy and ovary sparing).

What kind of Vaccinations does my dog need to attend FurBaby Daycare?

All dogs who attend FurBaby Daycare must have a FULL C5 (inclusive of Canine Cough) Vaccination. The number of vaccines that your dog receives to reach a full C5 varies between Veterinary clinics.

Proof of a full C5 vaccination is required and filed for each dog in our care annually.

No alternative forms of vaccination are accepted (e.g. homeopathy).

Why does my dog have to be in as early as possible on it’s first day?

Imagine walking into a room full of extremely excited people who all want to talk to you, but you don’t know any of them. Overwhelming- huh? We believe that coming into Daycare later in the day would have a similar effect on dogs.

Bringing your dog in early ensures they are settled in, and ensures they are set up positively the rest of the day.

What training methods do you use?

At FurBaby, we believe in positive training! We wholeheartedly believe that if dogs are rewarded for what they do right, they are more likely to do the right thing more often.

The FurBaby staff also undergo regular dog behaviour and management training with leading canine trainers.

How do you keep your facilities free from germs?

If you’ve ever visited FurBaby, you know just how seriously we take cleanliness!

The Daycare area has concrete flooring; which is non-slip and non-porous, which means no germs can get into the flooring and stay there. Each day we clean with a combination of disinfectant and veterinary grade cleaning products such as F10 and Trigene. We challenge you to try find a canine facility cleaner than FurBaby!

How do you make sure all of the dogs get along?

Our staff regularly undergo training with industry professionals to ensure that we are always at the forefront of current research and practice when it comes to dog behaviour. We are specifically trained and experienced in facilitating the safe socialisation, interaction and play of dogs.

Not all dogs are suitable for the Daycare environment, and all dogs are screened, assessed and monitored before, during and after their first day trial at the Daycare.

Does daycare teach my dog how to socialise?

Unless you have a puppy, daycare does not teach your dog how to socialise.

Think of doggy daycare like the deep end of a swimming pool; to be able to jump right in, you must already know how to swim. And if you’re not a competent swimmer, you might have to start at the shallow end.

If you are interested in seeing if your dog is suitable for daycare, don’t hesitate to call us and one of our staff will happily guide you through some questions and help you make a decision.

I have a puppy, it is suitable to attend daycare whilst s/he is little?

Ab-so-lutely! Puppies learn the most when they are little. Exposing them to socialisation at a young age is extremely beneficial to puppies. Even if your furbaby is expected to outgrow the 12kg limit, you are more than welcome to enrol them whilst they are little, and they’ll be armed with top socialising skills by the time they are grown.

Can I stay and watch my dog play?

Unfortunately not, we have found the best method is to just drop the dog off because of the following reasons:

-Your dog might receive mixed messages from you. Dogs are extremely intuitive and will be able to sense if you are apprehensive or nervous, leading to them being less likely to interact with other dogs.

-Even when we have the best intentions, we may interfere with dog’s interactions and body language. The staff at FurBaby are trained at reading dog’s body language and unique personalities, and therefore know when to intervene and when not to.

Do you feed the dogs?

While we keep a record of each dog’s diet, we don’t feed the dogs lunch while they are with us (with the exception of puppies under 6 months) because it is not recommended for dogs to eat a meal and then go running, bounding, rolling and chasing.

We do offer dogs’ treats throughout the day, so please let us know if there is anything your dog cannot have at the time of enrolment.

How old does my dog have to be to join?

We do not have an age requirement at FurBaby Daycare, instead all dogs who want to come and play must have their full C5 vaccination (this can happen anywhere between 10 – 16 weeks).

Full-day Rates

Casual Client = $60 a day
Regular Weekly Client = $47 a day.

Half-day Rates

You’re welcome to utilise the daycare service for half a day. A lot of our grooming customers do this; if they are unable to meet the tight timelines of before/after groom pick up.

Half Day Client = $27 a day, for a maximum of 5 hours
Available with changeover between 12noon and 1pm


If you find your dog is requiring daycare more than one day a week, you can save by purchasing these weekly packages:
– Weekly 2 Day Pass = $84
– Weekly 3 Day Pass = $124
– Weekly 4 Day Pass = $164
– Weekly 5 Day Pass = $187
Packages must be paid in full on your first day, and used by the end of that week.


– If you receive the weekly discount, because you’ve committed your dog to attending, there is an expectation that you are attending every week. If you choose for your dog to not attend one week; there is a 24 hour cancellation policy – if you do not provide us with 24 hours’ notice / do not show up for daycare, your dog will be placed back on the casual rate for a period of two weeks.

– A $15 fee for early drop offs (between 6:00am – 6:30am) will be imposed. This needs to be arranged before the day and an additional payment can be paid on the day.

– All late pickups (after 6pm) will incur a surcharge of $15 per 15 minute increment (or part of 15 minutes). This additional payment can be paid on the day when you pick up your dog

– If notice is provided a week in advance that you are going away on holidays for more than one week, we can freeze your account for the time you are away.

– If you would like to bring your dog on an extra day (other than your usually scheduled day/s), you can pay by EFTPOS on that day (providing there is space available for your dog – please be sure to enquire in advance);

1. Please complete the enrolment form by clicking on the link below.

Enrolment Form

2. Send copies of your dog’s sterilisation and vaccination certificates along with the enrolment form.

3. Once the enrolment form has been submitted, we will contact you to arrange an introduction trial day. During this day we will assess your dogs suitability for daycare and we can answer any questions you may have.

4. All dogs must attend at 7am on their first day and day care fees must be paid in the morning.

5. We will arrange a suitable time to contact you on the morning of your dog’s first day so we can discuss your dog’s progress. If your dog is suitable for day care you will then be able to book your dog in for further visits.

What we expect from you…

To ensure the health and safety of all the dogs at FurBaby, including your own, all dogs must comply with the following to be eligible for day care:

Behaviour – You will need to certify that your dog has not harmed or directed aggression and/or threatening behaviour at any persons or dogs.

Age – All dogs must be three months of age or older before commencing day care. Puppies must have been at home for 2 weeks prior to coming to daycare.

Sex – All dogs over the age of six months must be neutered or spayed, with official documentation as proof.

Vaccination – All dogs must have an up to date C5 vaccination, with official documentation as proof.

Health – You will need to certify that your dog is in good health and has been so for the last 30 days.

Shelter/Rescue Dogs – Adopted dogs must have been in their new home for a minimum of 3 months prior to his/her first day care admission.

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