Fonzzi FurBaby

Fonzzi FurBaby

Hey guys! My name is Fonzzi and I’m supper excited to be part of this amazing and wonderful FurBaby team! I’m just a Shiba Inu puppy and they really take care of me because they are my family and I so love them to the moon and back.

They are teaching me so many cool new tricks and I always work hard an the Dog Café so that I can make them so proud. Once I finish my puppy training, I will be making scheduled visits to the Cafe.
So stay tuned… we will announce when I will be at FurBaby.

And… Guess What? They have even given me special clothes from the FurBaby Boutique to make sure that I always look supper cute and amazing. Especially my little colourful skirt, aww aren’t they the best?! I just am so lucky!

The bestest part about my family is that they take me to the best events in Perth!

We get to go to all these special events around Perth during the day. And, even though I’m only young, I get to go to some night events and stay up way past my bed time! Because I am the FurBaby Mascot. That makes me so happy!  I get to socialise and meet new pups and so so many new people where I can show off my new tricks to!

I love having my picture taken, so if you see me around Perth, please have a picture with me! I like being an Instagram star. I think I’m pretty cute. So do lots of other people, as they like to get their picture with me too!

If you know of an event coming up that I should go to please contact my family and let them know! I want to go to all the events in Perth! I love seeing Perth.

I can’t wait to have so many more adventures around Perth! So you will definitely see me around wagging my tail with the team!

PS: Here’s a few fun facts about Shiba Inu’s, just like me… They are from Japan, and are one of the ancient breeds of dogs still alive today. We are very agile, as we like running up and down the mountains in Japan. Even though we are cute and fluffy, we are really independent dogs who don’t really like to be cuddled. But, me Fonzzi, I’m different! I love hugs and cuddles!

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