Lifeline WA Competition Sponsors

This amazing competition for Lifeline WA wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of a number of businesses who have donated prizes for our online competition winner, and huge raffle. You will only be able to buy tickets to the raffle if you attend FurBaby’s 2021 Santa Paws, something very special to look forward to!

Please support these local Australian businesses and shop local this Christmas. During this unprecedented covid world, it is so important to support the small business that have done it so tough during all these lockdowns and import/export blocks, we know they really appreciate your custom. So check out these very generous sponsors, we are sure you will find a lot of businesses that you will just love!

A massive huge thank you to the following businesses…​

3 Elements

3 Elements

FB /3elementsrnb

Insta @3elementsrnb 

A1 Pets

A1 Pet Meats

FB /A1PetMeats

Insta @a1petmeats 

Back In Motion

Back In Motion Balcatta

FB /BackInMotionBalcatta

Insta @backinmotionbalcatta

Bassendean Pet Supplies

Bassendean Pet Food Supplies

FB /BassoPetFoodSupplies

Insta @bassendeanpetfoodsupplies

Beyond Rest


FB /beyondrestwembley

Insta @beyondrestwembley

Bright Star Buddies


FB /brightstarbuddies

Insta @brightstarbuddies

Buds Raw

BudsRaw Dog Food

FB /BudsRaw

Insta @budsraw

Cafe Elixir


FB Cafe Elixir

Insta @elixircafe

Creative Wright

Creative Wright

FB /CreativeWright

Insta @creativewrightwa

Dubz Dog Store


Insta @dubzdogstore

Frankie Loves Barkery

Frankie Loves Barkery

FB /frankielovesbarkery

Insta @frankielovesbarkery

Fur Mumma Co

Fur Mumma Co.

FB /furmummaco

Insta @furmummaco

Hemp Brothers

Hemp Brothers

FB /HempBrothersAUS

Insta @hempbros_aus



FB /holitreatsau

Insta @holitreatsau


Huskimo Australia

Insta @huskimoinc

Ivy Club

Ivy Club

FB /ivyclubperth

Insta @ivyclubperth

LL Designs

LL Designs

FB /


Memory Block Karrinyup

Memory Block Karrinyup

FB /MemoryBlockAustralia

Insta @memoryblock_karrinyup

Paws Pet Wear Logo

Paws Pet Wear

FB /

Insta @pawspetwear

Pitta Patta Boutique

Pitta Patta Boutique

FB /PittaPattaBoutiquePerth

Insta @pittapatta_dog_boutique

Pixel Pet Photography Logo 1

Pixel Pets Photograhy

FB /pixelpetsphotos

Insta @pixelpetsphotos



FB /saltydogau

Insta @saltydogau

Sin Gin

Sin Gin Distillery

FB /singindistillery

Insta @singindistillery

Studio Noah

Studio Noah Pet Photography

FB /studionoahpetphotography

Insta @studionoahpetphotography

The Canine Kitchen

The Canine Kitchen

FB /thecaninekitchenwa

Insta @thecaninekitchenwa

The Hound Inc

The Hound Inc

FB /thehoundinc

Insta @thehoundinc

Twisting Peacock Yoga

Twisting Peacock Yoga

FB /twistingpeacockyoga

Insta @twistingpeacockyoga

Wolkpack AU

Wolfpack Luxury Pet Accessories

FB /WolfPackAU

Insta @wolfpack_au

Woofing Wonders

Woofing Wonders

FB /WoofingWonders

Insta @woofingwonders

Wookie Dogs

Wookie Dogs

FB /wookiedogs

Insta @wookie_dogs

Ziwi Peak

Ziwi Peak Pet Food

FB /ZiwiPets

Insta @ziwipets

Banner Life Is Better With A Furbaby