Nutritious Fruit & Veggie Treats for Dogs and Puppies


2020 02 11 1202
2020 02 11 1202

Most dog Lovers enjoy nothing more than spoiling their beloved pet and they often share table scraps or a favourite snack with their best friend.

What they often don’t realise is that dogs digest food differently to people and some human food is unhealthy and downright dangerous to dogs and puppies.

Listed below is a range of fruit and vegetables you can share, in moderation, with your dog or puppy and know you are keeping them healthy and well nourished.


Apples – an excellent source of vitamins A, C and fibre, low in protein and fat and a perfect snack for senior dogs. Remove the seeds and core first. Freeze and serve as an icy summer snack.

Bananas –a low-calorie treat that’s high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fibre and copper and low in cholesterol and sodium, but the high sugar content means this fruit should only be served in moderation.

Blueberries – a superfood packed with fibre and rich in antioxidants, which prevents cell damage in humans and canines. Why not teach your dog to catch treats with blueberries?

Cranberries – safe to serve to dogs in small quantities. Whether your dog will like this tart treat is another question.

Mango – packed with vitamins A, B6, C, and E, potassium, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Remove the hard pit first, it contains small amounts of cyanide. Its high sugar contents it’s best as an occasional treat.

Oranges – fine for dogs to eat, according to veterinarians, but they may not be fans of any strong-smelling citrus. An excellent source of vitamin C, potassium and fibre, and in small quantities can be a tasty treat for your dog. Always remove the peel.

Peaches – small amounts of cut-up fresh peach is a great source of fibre and vitamin A and helps fight infections. Always remove the pit.

Pears – high in copper, vitamins C and K and fibre.  It’s been suggested this fruit can reduce the risk of having a stroke by 50%. Cut into bite-size pieces, remove the pit and seeds as they contain traces of cyanide.

Pineapple – full of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. A few chunks of pineapple is a great treat for dogs, as long as the prickly outside peel and crown are removed first.

Raspberries – contain antioxidants that are great for dogs. They’re low in sugar and calories, high in fibre, manganese, and vitamin C and especially good for senior dogs for their anti-inflammatory properties. They contain small amounts of xylitol, so limit your dog to less than a cup at a time.

Rockmelon – packed with nutrients, low in calories and a great source of water and fibre. The high sugar content means small amounts only, particularly for overweight or diabetic dogs.

Strawberries – loaded with fibre and vitamin C along with an enzyme that can help whiten your dog’s teeth. They contain sugar, so give them in moderation.

Watermelon – full of vitamin A, B-6, and C, and potassium and 92 percent water, a great way to keep your dog hydrated on hot summer days. Remove rind and seeds, as they can cause intestinal blockage.


Broccoli – high in fibre and vitamin C, great served bite-sized, raw or cooked, as a treat.

Brussels Sprouts – loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, best served steamed, boiled or microwaved. Never serve raw as they will be hard to digest.

Celery – filled with vitamins A, B, and C and promotes a healthy heart and fresh breath! Chop into small chunks and let your dog enjoy!

Cucumbers – especially good for overweight dogs with little to no carbs, fats or oils, and boost energy levels. Also great to rehydrate your dog after a walk!

Green Beans – a vitamin packed snack, full of fibre and low in calories, serve chopped, steamed, raw or straight from a can (get the no-sodium type).

Peas – a tasty alternative to fatty treats, full of vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre.

Snow peas, sugar snap peas, garden or English peas are best. Serve fresh, frozen or thawed in small helpings.

Spinach – contains lots of vitamins – A, B, C, K and Iron, antioxidants, beta-carotene and roughage (great for a dog’s digestive track). Chop, steam and serve small amounts.