An Aussie Christmas with dogs

Libbie and Co

With one of the highest rates of pet ownership world-wide, it comes as no surprise that having a pet is synonymous with our Australian way of life and the majority of households regard dogs and other pets as valued family members.

As Christmas and the hot weather looms, it’s important to take a few minutes to think about how to include your dog or puppy in family celebrations and how to avoid potential health or stress related issues that may arise during the coming festivities.

Plan ahead to include your dog

There’s no better way to wish loved ones a happy, healthy and prosperous festive season than with an adorable image of your whole family with Father Christmas. FurBaby Grooming & Daycare Perth is holding its annual Santa Paws event from November 13 to December 12,  2021. Bookings are filling fast so call (08) 9440 6690 or visit

Invite family and friends to a Christmas get-together at a dog friendly, off-leash park or a dog friendly beach. Your dog can exercise and socialise with other dogs, enjoy the fresh air and spend time with family and friends during the summer holidays.

Involve younger family members in baking Christmas dog treats. There are loads of recipes online or in cookbooks for dogs. Dog treats are fun to make and decorate in a Christmas theme and will become one of your family’s favourite Christmas activities.

Prepare your dog for the celebrations  

Most dogs thrive on the excitement of Christmas and want to be included in the festivities. However, if your dog is shy, anxious or sensitive to fireworks or loud noises, make sure they have access to a quiet, safe retreat. Treats won’t solve anxiety, but they can help manage some situations.

Dogs love playing and exercising, so before your guests arrive for a Christmas party of dinner, give your dog a good run to wear him out before your guests arrive. This will ensure your dog is happy and relaxed when your guests arrive at your home.

Party food can be toxic for dogs

Social gatherings over the summer months and Christmas period often include food with ingredients that can be toxic for dogs and in some cases can lead to serious and ongoing health issues.

An Aussie barbecue or party can include prawns in the shell, sausages, onions, bacon, avocado, macadamia nuts, chocolates, and the list goes on. Human food is often toxic for dogs, so the best solution is to avoid exposing your dog to this food whenever possible.

Alcohol can cause cardiac arrest

There is no safe amount of alcohol for a dog; it contains ethanol and that’s toxic for all canines. If you notice your dog is staggering and appears confused, immediately induce vomiting to prevent the ethanol from being absorbed into the bloodstream as excessive amounts can cause cardiac arrest and death. Take your dog to the vet if you have any health concerns.